Generous members and library patrons make monetary donations to the Friends. Donations are always welcomed by the Friends. Cash donations of any amount help further our efforts to support the Library.
Make checks payable to FOTL and mail to:
PO Box 1921
Roseburg OR, 97470
We are currently accepting donations of clean, gently used materials for our next book sale and for sale in our Book Store and on Amazon. Because we have limited storage space, please bring only a few bags or boxes of donations at a time. If you have large quantities to donate, please make arrangements with the library ahead of time. We can also use audio books, DVDs, and movie CDs. No VHS please. We request that magazine donations be newer than three years old. If you have or want an encyclopedia please leave your contact information and description with the library. We will try to match patrons with each other. Please do not bring volumes to the library.
Over $40,000 have been raised by the Book Sales event since 2000. Because the Friends is a 501(c)3 organization, you will receive a donation receipt for tax purposes. If you would like to donate a book, magazine subscription, or audio/visual material to add to the Library’s collection, please contact the Library.